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  • Temperature Control Units
    and Systems

    Performance ranges up to +300 °C

    Temperature control units and systems for universal use

    Temperature control units and temperature control systems from DELTATHERM® help to save production costs in industrial temperature control and still enable highly efficient temperature control.

    Due to the specific knowledge of the DELTATHERM®engineers we have become a strong partner of the national and international industry.

    Chemical groups, automobile manufacturers, plastics processors, food manufacturers, cosmetics groups, tire and rubber manufacturers use our plants and systems for temperature control worldwide. Temperature control units and temperature control systems from DELTATHERM® enable the optimum temperature for every application.

    Temperature control units according to your specifications

    DELTATHERM® temperature control units and systems are equipped with
    multiple options and are just as variable as all our products. Options that can be added include a redundant pump, BUS connection via Profibus DP, Ethernet, CANbus, emergency cooling, special voltage and much more.

    If you have any further questions, our competent team will be happy to help you. Just contact us – we look forward to your inquiry!

    TM-O Series (heat transfer oil)

    Temperature control units of DELTATHERM® TM-O-180 and TM-O-300 Series allow a permanent availability when operating with high temperatures of heat transfer oils.

    TM-W Series (water)

    DELTATHERM® temperature control units of the TM-W Series are suitable for operation at high temperatures and prevent overheating of the heaters.

    TM-HKG Series heating / cooling systems

    With a versatile range of heating and cooling units, DELTATHERM® sets new standards in the fulfilment of cooling and heating tasks.

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    Do you need support?
    Do you have a service case or do you need spare parts? We are happy to help.

    Please include the serial number (mandatory) and the type of your system or send a photo of the type plate.

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    Veuillez indiquer le numéro de série (obligatoire) et le type de votre installation ou envoyer une photo de la plaque signalétique.

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